Ministry of Tourism, City Hall of Rio
Fruturos Exhibition Homepage
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Fruturos Exhibition Homepage
The temporary exhibition, which opened in December 2021, at the Museu do Amanhã (Museum of Tomorrow), Rio de Janeiro, can now be visited from anywhere in Brazil or around the world. Navigate the different times of the Amazon through the 360º virtual tour and learn more about the peoples of the forest with exclusive content, which included educational material for students aged 3 years and up.
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"Fruturos - Amazonian Times"
We love the Amazon as there are so many Amazons.
The beautiful lives and so much diversity that are part of them.
The magnificent beauties and uniqueness of its many landscapes.
The wisdom and cultures of the peoples who inhabit them.
It awakens in our spirit a giant nature that has resisted and still resists the destroying thrust of a time when we saw the forest as a storehouse of treasures yet to be discovered and ransacked, a jungle to be domesticated and disappeared.
Educational Content
Click here to access proposals for transdisciplinary educational activities that address different aspects of the Amazon region, deepening the themes that make up the exhibition “Amazonian Times”. The options include different age groups! Check it out!
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The biggest rainforest in the world is revealed in all its exuberance, delicacy, and diversity of symbolism, lives and textures to those that travel the paths of the digital exhibition “Fruturos – Amazon Times”. Millenary, current, and those traces yet to come are recorded in it. In the forest, represented from multiple perspectives, time belongs to the now.

Be surprised by the rich biodiversity present in the Amazon, the largest tropical forest in the world. Among the highlights of this area are the representations of bioluminescent mushrooms, a recent discovery that opens new fronts for research on the forest.

Boi Bumbá
The boi-bumbá is one of the best-known figures of Brazilian folklore, present in several states of the country. One of the best known-parties related to this cultural manifestation is the Parintins Festival in Amazonas.

Dedicated to Indigenous populations, this area brings objects and information that highlight the immense diversity that exists among these peoples, whose action has been fundamental for the constitution of the forest over thousands of years.

Indigenous Objects
The exhibition brings together a series of Indigenous objects from different ethnicities, such as these pieces produced by the Yanomami people, among which are baskets, a sieve and a tipiti.

Marabaixo Attire
The Marabaixo is a manifestation of African origin that takes place in Amapá, being recognized as an intangible heritage of Brazil by IPHAN. This religious celebration, which involves dance, music and singing, honors patron saints of black communities in Amapá.

Meet the traditional non-indigenous peoples who settled in the Amazon region centuries ago. Today, riverside dwellers, quilombolas, extractivists, rubber tappers and fishermen, among others, have knowledge that is extremely important for the conservation of the forest.

Atto Tower
The Torre Alta da Amazônia Observatory (ATTO) is located in the middle of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest and is 325m high (higher than the Eiffel Tower in France). At the site, led by Brazilian and German researchers, studies are carried out on the interactions between the atmosphere, the climate and the forest.

Deforestation, illegal mining, opening of roads, expansion of the urban fabric, advancement of the agricultural frontier… Understand how these and other factors are impacting the Amazon and also learn about initiatives that aim to reverse this degradation process.

Come celebrate the Amazonian culture, its music, its flavors, its festivities, its literary works and much more! The Amazon of tomorrow is already manifesting itself today, in creations that combine tradition and modernity and conquer a growing audience!

Coccoloba gigantifolia
Coccoloba is an endemic tree from the Amazon and has the largest dicotyledonous leaf in the world, reaching more than 2m in height. The specimen present in the exhibition is 1.6m tall.

It is necessary to think of a new development model for the region, one that is fairer and more sustainable. This involves the involvement of representatives of the local population, which has more than 30 million inhabitants. In this area, some of them share their expectations for the future.

Círio de Nazaré Rope
This piece alludes to the procession that takes place annually in Pará. The Círio rope is used to carry the image of Our Lady of Nazareth during the pilgrimage, and many faithful try to touch the rope to reach a grace or pay a promise, according to Catholic tradition.